Information for tutors

Student Information Documents

The Final Weekend page is aimed primarily at the students, but is a useful reference for all.
The main Weekend page also has links to other useful information.


If you come by train and would like to use the taxi service, please let me know.  Car parking on-site is free and there should be plenty of spaces available.


Registration for residences will be in the foyer of the main building from 2.00 pm on Friday.  M500 registration will be on the balcony from 3.00.
Bypass any queue of students and go straight to the desk alongside and announce yourself as a tutor to one of the M500 team, who comprise Judith, Sally, Milena, Angela and Paul.
There will be a lanyard and badge for you to pick up: please return your lanyard at the end of the Weekend.
I hope we have no need for it, but would you please complete an emergency contact form (pdf or doc format) and leave it with one of the M500 team when you register.
Tutors are asked to arrive by 5.00 if possible in order to have a look at their classrooms and let us know if any changes are required.


Dinner on Friday will be served between 5.30 and 7.30 pm.


There is an expenses form you can print (xls or pdf). Please claim for any expense you incur – photocopying, travel, meals on the journey and sundry expenses.
Please collect receipts and attach them to the form, as our auditors give us a hard time about missing paperwork. The rate for travelling by car is 45p per mile, and you don’t need a receipt to claim that, but please indicate the postcode(s) of the start and end points of your journey.
Please give your expenses form to one of the M500 staff, when you arrive if possible: there will be spares if you need another. If you expect to incur expenses after the Weekend, for meals or public transport on the journey home, don’t try to estimate them in advance, as we will need receipts. You can submit them as a further claim later, and we will pay either electronically or by cheque, as in ‘Payment’ below.

We can’t do any substantial amounts of photocopying at Kents Hill, though we can ask Reception for small amounts if we really need something. If you are using printed handouts, please get them done in advance.  I can have them printed and bring them to the Weekend if I have a few days’ notice.


If you give us bank details (sort code, account name, account number) we can pay you electronically immediately after the event. If you prefer a cheque, we will post it to you as soon as possible after the event.


We will give you a list of the students who identified your module as their primary choice, to give you an idea of the number to expect in class. We will also list separately those students registered for your module as a non-primary choice. The badges worn by the students will indicate their primary module choice and it will be at your discretion as to whether they join one or more of your sessions if your module is not their primary choice.

Check out arrangements

Rooms have to be vacated by 10.00 am on the day of departure. There is a luggage room by the reception desk – ask one of the M500 team for the key.
you want to make a quick getaway after classes you can leave your luggage with us in the M500 Office.

Anything else

If you need anything, do ask one of the M500 team, or the Kents Hill staff.

Telephone contact

Until Wednesday 8th May please use Judith’s home number – 01323 642444 – for any urgent messages.  After that, try her mobile on 07453-805338.


Don’t leave valuables unattended and unsecured. You will be provided with a key to your classroom before your first tutorial and tutors are responsible for the security of their rooms.