
General membership information

Anyone interested in OU mathematics can join the M500 Society. Membership is by subscription, renewable annually.

Our membership year runs from 1 August to 31 July.

If you join more than three months before the end of a membership year, your membership is backdated to the beginning of that membership year and, if you have requested printed copies then you will be sent printed copies of any magazines already published during your membership year, subject to availability. If you join less than three months before the end of a membership year, your membership is carried through to the end of the following membership year.

Members receive the bi-monthly M500 Magazine via email and optionally as a hard copy at an extra charge, and are entitled to a discount on the Revision Weekend and the Winter Weekend. If you are already a member at the time that you pay for a Weekend, or if you join at the same time, then you qualify for the discount. (But note that there is a cut-off date for discount on late applications to the Revision Weekend.)

The current subscription fee is given on the application form.

You will be invited to renew your subscription at the end of the membership year.

To become a member, complete the application form and follow the instructions. Please note that by applying for membership you are agreeing to the M500 Society using the data submitted in line with the Societies’ Privacy Policy

Alternatively you can Pay in a cheque made out to the M500 Society at your bank and email confirmation to

The full details of the bank account to which membership payments should be made are

Bank: HSBC, Rochester, Kent, UK
Sort code: 40-39-02
Account name: M500 Society
Account number: 31088920
IBAN: GB81HBUK40390231088920