Report on the Revision Weekend 2024

48th Mathematics Revision Weekend

Kents Hill Conference Centre 10th – 12th May 2024

The revision weekend for both undergraduate and postgraduate modules was held at Kents Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes MK7 6BZ from Friday 10th May to Sunday 12th May 2024.

We supportedĀ the following OU modules:

Undergraduate Mathematics: M208, M248, M303, M337, M373, MS327, MST124, MST125, MST210, MST224, MST326 and MT368.

Postgraduate Mathematics: M820, M823, M833, M835 and M836.

Science: SM380, SM381.

Details of the 2025 May Weekend will be published to members with the October magazine and on this website shortly afterwards. The Weekend will take place at Kents Hill Conference Centre over 9th – 11th May 2025

Weekend Organiser Email the M500 Weekend Organiser if you have any queries about the Weekend
Please ensure that you ‘white list’ this email address, especially if you have a hotmail account
Science Revision Weekend A similar format to the M500 Revision Weekend covering Open University chemistry, physics and biology ‘S’ modules.
University Programme Committee Are you interested in representing your fellow students?