If you wish to pay by bank transfer please read and follow the instructions below.
We need to be able to identify your payment on our bank statement. Please tell us:-
- The date and amount of the transaction
- The reference you used.*
*The reference you give to your bank, which should appear on our statement, should include your name.
When you make a BACS payment to the M500 Society, please email details or send the relevant form to the relevant officer.
Membership payment
For new membership and renewal of an existing membership, contact membership@m500.org.uk.
If you wish to renew your membership by BACS transfer you must ensure that you confirm that the details we hold are correct and provide us with the information necessary to identify your BACS payment, otherwise your membership cannot be renewed. You may do this by either posting the renewal form to the Membership Secretary, clearly stating that you have paid by BACS, or provide the information by email.
M500 society account details
Please note: these details are only for membership subscription payments.
Bank: HSBC, Rochester, Kent, UK
Sort code: 40-39-02
IBAN: GB81HBUK40390231088920
Account name: M500 Society
Account number: 31088920